Comprehensive platform for tracking at-risk contacts with Covid-19

The whole world is in crisis due to the persistent spread of COVID-19 and it is imperative for us to monitor contacts if we want to take effective action against it. In this regard, NAVIIN offers you a wide range of BLE based beacons. These products are effective for contact tracking, social distancing alerts, human location, etc. So, you can utilize our solutions for workplace security and for tracking critical patients in hospitals.

POSSIBILITIESPatient monitoring

Our solutions will greatly assist you in tracking contact with at-risk patients.

Navigating the hospital

We help retailers improve the customer experience by providing navigation and product search within stores and shopping centers. Visitors can use a mobile app with turn-by-turn navigation to plan their routes based on their shopping list, find the department of interest and product information. This helps improve customer engagement and loyalty.


interactive store maps with points of interest;
search and route function to any object on the map;
turn-by-turn navigation with an accuracy of up to 3 meters, which is as easy to use as Google maps;
product search linked to interactive maps.

Expected Benefits:

Improved user experience of using the mobile app.
Increasing the time spent using the mobile app.
Gaining a direct channel of communication with customers.
Acquisition of additional revenue through the premium search feature.

Patient traffic analytics

Data analytics allows marketers to better understand visitor behavior across different channels of visitor engagement. Retailers need an accurate analytical tool that can track the movement of customers in-store.Such data, in turn, can be used to personalize the offer to visitors. Naviin provides a unique platform for monitoring store visits with shelf accuracy and evaluating the effectiveness of various marketing channels. Multi-channel analytics allows you to link online and offline customer profiles and integrate with your existing CRM system.


Visitor behavior analytics, including heat maps and customer flow maps;
determination of the fact of a store visit, waiting time, frequency of visits;
segmentation of visitors into regular, one-time and passing visitors;
analyzing traffic sources and the effectiveness of marketing channels.

Expected Benefits:

Monitoring visitor traffic, wait times, repeat visits, flow maps, heat maps.
Understanding in-store customer conversion and behavior, especially those who didn’t come in but didn’t buy.
Optimizing the placement of in-store facilities.
Evaluating and optimizing return on investment in marketing campaigns.

Monitoring of the number of beds

Using iBeacon technology, marketers are empowered to deliver relevant, engaging content to mobile app users. You can send instant greetings to customers and grab their attention with notifications about current specials and sales happening at nearby stores. With Naviin’s multi-channel platform, you can easily set up hyperlocal marketing campaigns and achieve better targeting of online ads.


targeted push notifications via mobile apps;
interactive prompts with full product information;
additional targeting based on location segmentation;
online retargeting based on customer location data.

Expected Benefits:

Additional sales and marketing channel to promote brand or individual products.
Increased customer loyalty and engagement of new consumers.
Direct channel to reach customers and collect feedback.
Increased effectiveness of targeted advertising campaigns.

Tracking patients in the hospital

Employee performance monitoring is used to improve productivity and protect corporate resources. Navigine’s platform based on iBeacon technology allows an enterprise to monitor employee performance and track employee activity according to a set schedule. With this innovative management system, managers will have more control over outsourcers’ actions and can improve work coordination. Depending on the specific situation, the manager can customize automatic notifications related to movements: crossing the boundaries of certain zones, long-term presence / absence in a certain zone, deviation from the allowed speed, etc.


  • real-time navigation system for employees inside the premises;
  • mobile communication channel for employees;
  • real-time adjustment of daily tasks;
  • assistance in making quick decisions in case of unforeseen situations.

Expected Benefits:

  • Reduction in staff turnaround time.
  • Improved communication between staff, including in unforeseen situations.
  • Improved customer service.
  • Improved safety and security.